As a small business owner, you have to do your bit to find the right agency for your online marketing needs. Outsourcing is the way to go, because you can expect to get genuine assistance at the right price, while focusing on core business concerns. When it comes to hiring an SEO specialist Sydney, you have to think beyond the price. It is no-brainer that you have to get an estimate, which is typically payable monthly. Here are some questions that you must ask.
- How long have you been in SEO business?
SEO is also about client retention rate. If a company claims to be the best in Sydney, they should have enough clients, and they must be able to show off their experience through their projects. Check for how long the company has been in SEO, and if they do more in online marketing beyond that.
- Who will work on the project?
Now that’s a valid question worth asking. Keep in mind that there are many so-called agencies, who will merely take the contract and pass it on to the next local service for a commission. Make sure that the concerned agency names their managers, and ask about the team that’s going to specifically work on your project.
- Do you have a long-term contract requirement?
Many agencies may insist that you go for a long-term contract right away, which can be a bummer for obvious reasons. You would want to try out a service, check what they are capable of, before committing for a much longer period of a year or two. Make sure that you are not locked in a contract right away.
- How much will you charge?
This is a relevant aspect, and sometimes, the differences between estimates is huge. Most SEO agencies prefer to be paid a fix sum per month, because this is an ongoing process, while others may ask for a final price for the entire period of the contract, usually paid in installments. Make sure that you check the estimate and what all it includes, but don’t chase the cheapest estimate.
- Can you share a few case studies?
Beyond the clientele, there are case studies. You have to check if the concerned company has enough clients and case studies. A case study basically outlines how the work of a company has actually helped a website and improved both rankings & traffic. It allows new clients to gain a better perspective of the agency they are working with.
Final word
Also, do ask if the agency is going to offer regular reports. That’s a must, primarily because your team needs to know if the work done by the agency is helping the website in the first place. These reports must be sent at least once per month, where the numbers and graphs will help in further reviewing the SEO strategy that is being used for your website. There is no singular approach to SEO, but the basic practices remain the same.